Ed Cauduro and Dane Nelson Collection Studies Lab
Sept 01 - Oct 17, 2022
“A love and death story about America through the lens of race and time...”
The Center for Contemporary Art & Culture at PNCA is pleased to announce
“THIS TIME...” A WaterShed Graphic Novel Series Exhibition by Melanie Stevens, featuring
WaterShed Vol.I: PostModern, and WaterShed Vol. II: In the Black, the 1st two volumes in a
ten volume series. Stevens’ prophetic voice eerily foretells of moments that reverberate
through realities in a gripping time traveling thriller.
This exhibition, curated by maximiliano, presents WaterShed in a variety of methods to be
experienced; a reading area for the viewer to spend time and enjoy the work, video
installations, as well as large format prints of pages from the graphic novel displayed
through the gallery. Stevens also uses quotes from WaterShed to activate the space,
bringing the viewer into the graphic novel. WaterShed is an engaging and beautifully
illustrated narrative only two volumes in. “This Time...”
Melanie Stevens is an artist, illustrator, and writer. She is the creator of the graphic novel
series, WaterShed, and the co-founder and co-curator of Nat Turner Project, a fugitive
gallery space that provides funding and spaces for artists of color to create or express their
own language within and without the parameters of racial commodification or designation.
She received her Bachelor of Arts degree for Political Science from Yale University
and her Masters of Fine Arts degree for Visual Studies at Pacific Northwest College of Art,
where she currently teaches.
Ig: @brownivyx
Link to purchase WaterShed Vol. I: PostModern
Link to purchase WaterShed Vol. II: In the Black
Fifth curation by maximiliano.
Exhibition supported by Center for Contemporary Art and Culture, PNCA Digital Print
Studio, Sharita Towne & Black Art Ecology of Portland, and Regional Arts & Culture Council.